Anti Aging Skin Treatments - Some Information

To keep your skin looking young and free from lines and wrinkles it is best to find the skin care treatment that is right for your skin and use it routinely. There are many, many anti-wrinkle and anti aging skin treatments on the market and finding an effective one that suits your skin may take some time (and money!)

The first thing to so is to find out what type of skin you have and what its current condition is. Is your skin dry or oily? It may be a combination. Now think about the health of your skin and its age. A young skin or a skin that has few lines and wrinkles will better respond to light treatments or lotions, an older, more heavily wrinkled skin will need a more intense anti aging skin treatment.

There are also a range of different ingredients added to anti aging skin treatments that may or may not be effective. There are some that have been proven clinically to have an effect on lines and wrinkles but unfortunately there are also some that have no proven effect. How can you tell the difference and be sure that you are purchasing an effective anti aging skin treatment? We've put together some information on anti aging ingredients below to help you.

What Doesn't work?


Collagen is a component of the deeper layers of the skin where it supports it and prevents lines and wrinkling. If the collagen is damaged, through sun or other environmental factors the skin is not supported firmly and starts to sag. Collagen is a large molecule and cannot enter the skins top layers if placed on the surface. Collagen added to face creams therefore will have no effect on wrinkles and lines.

Expensive creams and lotions

For anti aging skin treatments it is not necessarily true that the more expensive the more effective. Over the counter creams and lotions all contain about the same amount of active ingredient so paying more is not going to make a difference to the effect you will see.

What Does Work?

Anti aging skin treatments containing retinol (over the counter) or tretinoin (available on prescription) have been clinically proven to have an effect on fine lines and wrinkles. Retinol is less effective than tretinoin but over time can decrease lines and wrinkles significantly.

Coenzyme Q10 has been shown to have an effect on the fine lines around the eyes. It also protects the skin from the damaging effects of the sun.

Copper peptides stimulate the production of collagen and help to heal wounds and are effective anti oxidants.

A Caution

Anti aging skin treatments containing retinol or tretinoin increase the skin's sensitivity to the sun so either use them at night before bed or, if you do use them in the day, always use a high factor sunscreen as well. You may experience some redness or irritation when you first use these treatments. this is normal and should go in a day or two. If it continues for longer than this discontinue using the product.

How long does it take to see an effect?

With any anti aging skin treatment don't expect overnight miracles. You should see some effects after using the treatment daily for about eight weeks. After a few months you should see significant improvements in the number and depth of lines and wrinkles.

Anti Aging Skin Care

Antiaging skin care’ is a very frequent idea in today’s world. Now everyone wishes to hide their age practicing antiaging skin care procedures (and a many a lot of people are successful. Even So antiaging skin care is not attained by any marvelous potion. ‘Antiaging skin care’ is about perserverance. It is about being proactive. Antiaging skin care is slowing the aging procedure. Below are a few tips for proactive antiaging skin care:

1. Maintain nutritious eating habits: A well-balanced diet is the key to sustaining an appropriate body metabolism. Consume a lots of fruits and green vegetables, they are the best source of fibre and have a really restorative result on your body. Avoid greasy and fatty food; not only do they lack in important nutrients but they also lead to corpulency and other diseases which assist the aging procedure.

2. Overcome tenseness: This is in all likelihood the most essential antiaging skin care criterion. Stress disturbs the body metabolic process and quickens the aging process. Sleep, working out and a refreshing bath, are extremely easy means of overcoming strain. Aromatherapy is also well-known to overcome strain.

3. Drink a great deal of water: Antiaging skin care
cannot be any easier than this. Water aids in sluicing out the toxins from your body, thus keeping it clean and making it less partial to disease. Around eight glasses of water per day is recommended by all doctors.

4. Regular exercise is a great antiaging skin care operation. As well as toning up your muscles, it also assists in making clean the skin by sluicing out the toxins in the form of perspiration. Exercise should be followed by a warm shower in order to completely get rid of the toxins.

5. Avoid using harsh, chemical based preparations on your skin. Herbal skin care products are a healthy choice. Usage of organic skin care products whether home made or purchased may be a really efficacious antiaging skin care measure.

6. Do not overutilise skin care preparations. Excessive and harsh applications are both are damaging.

7. Don't neglect skin problems; they may precede permanent skin damage. Try Out over the counter medication and if that doesn’t help, immediately go and see your skin doctor and try his/her advice.

8. Vitamin C based skin care products are really popular means of antiaging skin care. Even So, these seem to oxidise fast which makes them harmful for your skin). Therefore store them in the right way. If the product turns yellow, it means that vitamin c has oxidised and the preparation is not fit for use.

9. Screen your skin from UV radiation ; UV rays are recognized to quicken the maturing process. So, a good sunblock application should become part of your antiaging skin care routine.

Anti Aging Skin Treatments Containing Glycolic Acid

Alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) are found in fruit and milk and one in particular, glycolic acid, has been found to be beneficial for use in anti aging skin treatments. AHA's have been used traditionally for a very long time to moisturise, exfoliate and soften the skin. Glycolic acid has been shown in many studies to have a beneficial effect on facial lines and wrinkles and is also an excellent moisturiser. It works in three ways by reducing inflammation, loosening dead cells so that they are easily removed and effectively moisturising the skin.

The glycolic acid that is present in anti aging skin treatments is extracted from sugar cane and is a very small molecule, in fact the smallest of the AHA's. This is what makes it such a good agent for anti aging creams as it is small enough to penetrate deeply into the skin and loosen the bonds that keep the dead cells attached. The cells can be removed easily to leave the skin looking fresh and youthful.

Glycolic acid is sold in a number of different anti aging skin treatments including creams, lotions, serums and gels and is often packaged in a complete system including neutralisers and moisturisers. It is also a good product to deal with the damage that can result from acne.

Glycolic Acid Peels

Although products containing glycolic acid are effective if you need more drastic treatment you may consider a glycolic acid peel. Glycolic acid peels contain a much higher concentration than the lotions and serums and when applied to the skin causes the top layer to blister and 'peel' away. Peels containing AHA's including glycolic acid are the mildest of the chemical peels and are available over the counter. If you have never used a glycolic acid peel before it is advisable to consult a dermatologist or other health care practitioner first to make sure the product you are using is suitable for your skin's type and sensitivity. Glycolic acid containing peels are used for treating wrinkles, dark pigmentation (age spots) and dry areas. they can also be used for the treatment of acne damaged skin.

Side Effects

All anti aging skin treatments can have mild to more severe side effects depending on the sensitivity of your skin. Most lotions and creams containing glycolic acid are safe to use and may give some redness or irritation to the skin that may last for up to two day. Glycolic acid peels are more drastic and redness, itching and irritation may last longer.

In addition if you use glycolic acid lotions or peels in combination with retinol containing products the effects of the peel can be increased so take care when using this combination.